Monday, January 6, 2020

Sexism Essay - 786 Words

An everlasting Conflict Sexism is categorized by extreme cases, but when in reality, both female and male parties execute sexism everyday even in the simplest forms. Though women tend to receive more grieve when it comes to sexist acts or sexist slurs made by men, the level of sexist disputes has decreases drastically with time. The play â€Å"Trifles† displays the major difference is the mindset of the split sexes. The setting presents a time when women were belittled and not taken seriously. Susan Glaspell’s play is evidence on the progress our society has made concerning sexism, never less the ever-existing conflict still takes its toll in our everyday life. Sexism by definition is discrimination by members of one sex against the other;†¦show more content†¦Yes, women’s bodies are used to sell products, or portray a â€Å"perfect image† of how men want their women, but women must voluntarily advertize their own bodies. Some females may considered â€Å"sexy† or â€Å"racy† photos and commercials to be degrading, but those women choosing to do so can find it very empowering. They not only feel confident but they are becoming something that men swoon over and yearn for; ergo creating a sense of authority. Sexism runs rampant in every facet of our society. The story of â€Å"Trifles† exposes the sexism that women dealt with then, and still to some extent deal with today. The men show major examples of diminishing and downplaying the women’s intelligence when ignoring them throughout examining the crime scene. Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale find incriminating evidence against Minnie, but the men never think to ask them their opinion; they are too preoccupied searching for solid tangible, evidence. Although the women find evidence to believe Minnie is the killer, I believe they feel somewhat responsible for her. This concluding that both genders are somewhat sexist. The men on the husband’s side, and the women on Minnie’s side. Perception differs with their gender. While the men look for â€Å"something to show anger, or sudden feeling†, something more obvious; the messy kitchen is labeled as bad housekeeping, instead of being used as evidence. The clues are presented but their male perception enables the me n from seeing them. (Glaspell’s) WhenShow MoreRelated Sexism in the Workplace Essay505 Words   |  3 PagesSexism in the Workplace The workplace is the area in which sexism is most commonly found. Sexism is in evidence in unfair recruitment practices, unequal pay, and intimidating behavior towards colleagues. Legislation is now in place in many countries that prohibits unfair treatment of staff on the grounds of their sex. The problem with this legislation is that they are often difficult to apply. In 1970, the Equal Pay Act was introduced. 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